[ 會員#15335 ] Manus



最後,在2016年2月4日去看肌骼科醫生,醫生以超聲波作檢討,認為我橈神經被纏住,並有數個關節鬆弛(附件二)。醫生首先幫我進行Perineural injection therapy (Neural prolotherapy),即以PRP 鬆開被纏住的神經,並在鬆弛的關節注射PRP,並要求每月注射一次,共三次。


1. 神經痛的情況係點﹖我而家24小時都痛係咪神經痛﹖
2. 假如神經被纏住或發炎,MRI可唔可以檢查到﹖係咪要做神經電子測試,定係超聲波都可以睇到?
3. 假如我再做多2次PRP都冇效,有咩方法可以處理神經痛?有冇手術可以做?


「there are some soft tissue swelling and oedema seen on the ventral aspect and the distal radius compatible with soft tissue injury. in addition, bone oedema with increased signal on STIR images is seen in the ventral aspect of the distal radius, scaphoid and trapezium. No fracture is seen.

No significant fluid is seen in the intercarpal rows.」

「Physical examination and dynamic ultrasound showed dorsal branch of the radial nerve swelling, and both the distal radio-ulnar joint and scaphoid lunate joint laxity. He is advised to have ultrasound guided nerve block of the right dorsal branch of the radial nerve and ultrasound guided injection of the distal radio-ulnar joint and the scaphoid lunate joint.」
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