

Dr Ong Yeu Theng, Charas

王予婷醫生 名片
Dr Ong Yeu Theng, Charas Name Card
The Women's Health seeclinicSeeClinic

The Women's Health
Suite 519, Prince's Building, 10 Chater Road, Central, Hong Kong
2205 6783


  # 38177
Ms Wan 報告:
12/28/2023 2:47:57 PM
• 診症日期 : 2023年12月28日
• 求診目的 : 專科治療
• 診金收費 : ~ $ 3000
• 輪候時間 : 需預約等候片刻
• 光顧經驗 :隨機方便嘗試
總評 1
專業態度 :
對症下藥 :
診金合理 :
問所有問題都顯得不耐煩, 簡單問題如藥的副作用也不願作答,
仲返問病人你没有食過其他西藥嗎? 西藥總會有副作用的<-- 咁就答左你...

第一日去就逼你抽血驗孕, 病人已說做了驗孕測試和超聲波, 没有懷孕, 但她堅持要抽血驗孕
第二天去聽驗孕報告, 又說要抽多一次血, 驗HORMONES, 為甚麼第一天不一次抽哂?
2 天加埋收我6000 多元(每次3000 多元), 態度仲要特別差, 唔俾你問題題..

我人生見過最差勁的醫生, 希望診所早日關閉唔好為禍人間

個人觀感- 態度有失、醫德有損
經歷過程- 只知取藥付費,未能盡釋疑慮
推介意見- 本人絕對不會再作光顧

  # 37980
Ms. C 報告:
11/22/2023 10:15:34 PM
• 診症日期 : 2023年11月22日
• 求診目的 : 婦科疾病 排卵期出血
• 診金收費 : ~ $ -
• 輪候時間 : 需預約等候片刻
• 光顧經驗 :其他網絡途徑
總評 1
專業態度 :
對症下藥 :
診金合理 :

個人觀感- 態度有失、醫德有損
經歷過程- 醫護之語調態度令人無所適從
推介意見- 本人絕對不會再作光顧

  # 37757
LW 報告:
10/8/2023 5:42:23 PM
• 診症日期 : 2023年----
• 求診目的 : 婦科疾病
• 診金收費 : ~ $ -
• 輪候時間 : 需預約準時
• 光顧經驗 :朋友介紹推薦
總評 10
專業態度 :
對症下藥 :
診金合理 :
Dr. Ong has been my OBGYN for many years. She is very experienced given her past experience at Queen Mary Hospital. Dr. Ong successfully treated my infertility issues and also delivered my baby this year. There are not many OBGYN doctors in HK who can provide such “one-stop shop” services — it gave me great comfort knowing that I didn’t need to look for other doctors once my infertility issues were treated.

Dr. Ong truly cares about her patient and went above and beyond to help me during my pregnancy. She was always patient when addressing my questions. She also fully respects a patient’s choice when it comes to natural delivery versus C-section, while taking in account the patient’s conditions. When she was out of town, she made sure that her patients were aware of her plan and arranged for another excellent doctor to cover for her. In addition, all the nurses in her clinic are super friendly and professional. I’ve enjoyed dealing with the nurses over the years. I highly recommend Dr. Ong and her clinic to anyone who is looking for an OBGYN.

個人觀感- 醫術精湛、鉅細無遺
經歷過程- 醫生會清晰明確的講解其病情
推介意見- 已視為本人的必然選擇

  # 32599
depressedpatient 報告:
5/27/2021 4:19:58 PM
• 診症日期 : 2021年3月17日
• 求診目的 : 婦科疾病 pregnancy
• 診金收費 : ~ $ 50000
• 輪候時間 : 需預約等候片刻
• 光顧經驗 :朋友介紹推薦
總評 1
專業態度 :
對症下藥 :
診金合理 :
Dr Ong handled my pregnancy and labour. It was unfortunate that I had not switched to another obstetrician in time which myself is accountable.

Overall, she was okay, not undesirable to an extent that takes a toll in patient live.

Ultrasound - so-so, a bit in a hurry.

Her integrity, conduct and professional was a bit doubtful.
Not only was she inconsiderate and reluctant to address patients queries, probably thinking Im too medicre to understand, she only took into account her own schedule and it might be that her skillful c section technique resulted in unwanted medical conditions in the baby and myself

The good thing is that her clinic is convenient and the queue is short

個人觀感- 態度有失、醫德有損
經歷過程- 只知取藥付費,未能盡釋疑慮
推介意見- 在無其他選擇下可一試

  # 28193
Vicki 報告:
6/13/2019 2:01:48 PM
• 診症日期 : 2019年4月23日
• 求診目的 : 婦科疾病 剖腹分娩
• 診金收費 : ~ $ -
• 輪候時間 : 需預約準時
• 光顧經驗 :朋友介紹推薦
總評 10
專業態度 :
對症下藥 :
診金合理 :
I have visited a couple of well-known ob/gyn in HK and I must say Dr Ong is far more professional with great ethics. She doesn’t make her clients choose cesarean to accommodate her schedule, she encourages the patient to choose for herself. (Very rare in HK) I was scheduled for an elective c-section after Easter Monday, but Dr Ong stayed in town in case I had a spontaneous labor. Where can you find a doctor with such a good heart and responsibility?

During every checkup I felt Dr Ong was patiently answering my endless questions (I am a first time mom). She takes the time to elaborate every little detail to give the me a peace of mind. This way, I felt very comfortable and confident with her. Her clinic is very clean and well equipped and the invoices are very clear so I never had issues claiming insurances.

Dr Ong is well experienced because of her extensive background working at QE hospital, she has seen it all and knows what’s the best decision to make. I believe Dr Ong is a genuinely good a doctor, I am glad I found her as my doctor.

Thanks to her, I had a smooth delivery and baby was heathly and my postpartum recovery was speedy too.

我在香港見過好幾位著名的ob/gyn 醫生,但我必須說Dr Ong 的職業道德比起上來好好多。 她唔會為了遷就她的schedule逼她的客戶一定要選擇剖腹分娩而是客戶選擇自己的意願,Dr Ong 也鼓勵她的客戶 自己選擇(在香港非常罕見)。我安排在復活節一日後選擇性剖腹分娩 (咁啱long weekend好多人都會出國旅行)但Dr Ong 選擇唔去遠行而留係香港免得我比預期早/突然分娩, 在哪裡可以找到一位那麼有心的醫生呢?

在每次檢查過程中,我覺得 Dr Ong 耐心地回答了我的問題(我是第一次做媽媽所以好多疑問)。 她會花時間和精心細節地回答你每一個問題,讓我換來一份安心。 因此我對她感覺非常舒服和對她十分有信心。 她的診所非常乾淨,設備齊全,收據也非常清晰,所以我從未有經歷保險索償的問題。

Dr Ong 經驗非常豐富,因為她過去在QE醫院行醫,她什麼負責產科有關的case都見並知道最佳決策是什麼。 我相信Dr Ong是一位真正優秀的醫生,我很高興我選擇了她做我的醫生。

因為Dr Ong 我的分娩很順利,寶寶很健康,產後恢復也很快。
個人觀感- 仁心仁術、醫德高尚
經歷過程- 醫生會從病人出發去提供意見
推介意見- 值得向有需要人仕推介

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