[ 會員# ] Gracy


病患者女 - 68歲

OPINIONS 1. An Irregular and spiculated opacity (2.2x3x2.1) is seen at left lung upper lobe anterior segment Mild air-bronchogram is seen within. It shows mild heterogeneous contrast enhancement. Surrounding spiculated densities and fibrotic changes around are also noted. Overall features could be due to focal consolidation or lung tumour. Further evaluation is recommended. A left adrenal nodule (about Icm) is seen, which is probably benign could be due to adenoma. Several caleified gallstones are noted. Gallbladder fundus adenomyomatosis is seen. No other significant abnormality detected.

但公立就開2星期抗生素之後再照CT 一個月後先覆診 擔心年紀大拖得太耐
請問肺癌機會有幾多?下一步可唔可以做其他檢查可以確定係咪肺癌 ?謝謝你
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