[ 會員#14376 ] Daniel

White nodules at knee wound

Thanks for helping! It was about my grandma's knee. She had a sebacous cyst excised 2 months ago and then two small white nodules grow out of the wound a month ago. Now there are 5. What are they? Are they gouty tophi? But my grandma did not have history of hyperuricemia. There was no bleeding or discharge. Mild wound pain present. Wound heals very slowly. History of stroke and localized scleroderma. Thanks!

Dear Daniel,
If the surgery is done 2 months ago, there must be some underlying causes for the wound to break down. Possibility include gouty tophi, connective tissue disease, or may be tumourous condition. She may need further investigation to confirm the underlying pathology, possibly an biopsy and MRI. Her Uric acid may be normal, and she may not have history of gout for the mass to develop. If the wound is very large, she may need reconstructive surgery after careful planning. She should be assessed by an Orthopaedic surgeon for the proper management before the condition worsen.
Hope the information could help.

Dr Kwok, Hau Yan

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