[ 會員#25873 ] karry tse

化療一年後PET SCAN跟進


以下為剛於2022年6月做的PET SCAN報告,請問有否異常?謝謝﹗

Procedure: WB Breast Ca FDG
Pharmaceutica l: F18-fluorodeoxyglucose 11.91 mCi
Clinical information (from referring clinician):
triple negative breast cancer in remission. PE ICT done as FU. last PET in 11/2020 noted mildly
hpermetabolic GGO at anterior Rt lung ? post RT changes

Diagnosis (from referring clinician):
ca breast


Patient fasting
F18-FDG was then injected intravenously.
PET imaging from head to upper thigh was taken after 60 minutes.
Plain CT for attenuation correction and localization.

Blood glucose level 5.5 mmol/l at the time of FDG injection.
Comparison with prior study dated 25-11-2020.

No gross hypermetabolic brain mass. The ventricles are not dilated. No midline shift.
(Please note that FDG PET is not sensitive in detecting small brain lesions.)
NP, tonsils, para-nasal sinuses and larynx are unremarkable.
Hypermetabolic left upper jugular node (SUVmax 7.5, 5mm) can represent reactive
lymphadenopathy, less likely DDx metastatic node.
No hypermetabolic enlarged SCF node.

Status post right modified radical mastectomy with mild FDG activity over right anterior chest wall
and axilla probably due to post-treatment changes.

No gross FDG-avid left breast mass seen.

Similar small left axillary nodes with mild FDG activity (6mm, SUVmax 1.7), likely reactive in nature.

Concerned mildly hypermetabolic streaky opacity at right lung apex is stable in appearance and
uptake (ım92, 18mm, SUVmax 1.7; previous 20mm, SUVmax 2.1).

Mildly hypermetabolic ground glass opacities at sudpleural anterior right lung are seen, likely due to
post-RT changes

Mild bronchiectasis over medial RML noted.

No enlarged hypermetabolic mediastinal lymphadenopathy.
No pleura or pericardial effusion.

No hypermetabolic mass over adrenals, liver, spleen, pancreas and kidneys.
Gallstone noted.
No enlarged hypermetabolic lymphadenopathy seen in abdomen and pelvis.
The bowel uptake is unremarkable.
No abnormal FDG focus over uterus.
No ascites.

No hypermetabolic bone secondary is seen within the scanning range.
A small mildly FDG avid subcutaneous nodule at left proximal arm (SUVmax 1.6, 2mm, Im 69) is
non-specific, may represent inflammatory nodule.

(Lymph nodes are measured in short axis.)

1. Status post right modified radical mastectomy. No gross hypermetabolic right chest wall mass to
suggest local recurrence.
2. Concerned streaky opacity at right lung apex with non-specific mild FDG activity is stable in
morphological appearance and FDG uptake
3. Hypermetabolic left upper jugular node can represent reactive lymphadenopathy, less likely DDx
metastatic node.


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