[ 會員#25387 ] SUM PAK CHEUK


病患者女 - 32歲

My wife got her blood tested and received the test results on 17/3/2021. The results indicate that her LYM% & RDW-CV are out of normal ranges.

She was then transferred to do ultrasound scan and got her scan report. She was told "her heart valve opens into 3 leaves, 1/4 can't heal".

What illness is she suffering from actually? How serious is it? What can be done to solve her heart problems? Very often, she feels tired, recoiled, startled and shaky. Is this because of her heart problems? I can provide her reports to those cardiologists who can give professional advice on her heart matters.
Dear Mr. Sum Pak Cheuk,

Her Lym% and RDW-CV usually do not have much to do with any echocardiographic findings unless we are talking about pericarditis or endocarditis for the raised lymphocyte count. The increased red cell width should not have anything to do with her heart.
3 out of the 4 heart valves have three leaflets. Only the mitral valve has 2 leaflets. The "1/4 can't heal" does not make any sense to me.
I cannot make out much from the little information you have provided.
More details are required. It would be very helpful If you could present to me the available investigation results and reports.

Sincerely yours,
Dr. Jason Ko

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