[ 會員#24757 ] flaneoix

Unknown urological illness

病患者男 - 23歲

Dear doctors,

The symptoms have persisted for more than a year, it includes frequent urination, erectile dysfunction, numb penis, burning and itching sensation in both urinary tract and perineum. There is still no clear diagnosis till this day.

I first consulted a family doctor, a urine culture test was done. Bacteriology test showed moderate and mixed growth of staphylococcus aureus and streptococcus faecalis 10^4/ml. I was then diagnosied with UTI. After a week of antibiotic treatment, no gems and bacterias were found in the second test. But all sympstons still persisted with no alleviation.

I consulted a urological specialist after a few weeks. A rectal examination was performed with no abnormality. The ultrasonography of kidney, prostate and bladder and a third urine culture test were advised, still resulted in no abmorailty.

The doctor prescribed 2 weeks of urief 4mg and arcoxia but with no clear diagnosis. After the medicine treatment, the sympstons still persist until now with no avelliation.

Any advice from urological specialist are greatly appreciated, thank you!

The described symptoms are quite typical of chronic prostatitis.
The disease may not have a bacterial cause. It would be better to consult a urologist for a detailed workup and treatment.

For treatment of chronic prostatitis, normally antibiotics, prostate alpha blocker drug and anti-inflammatory would be given.

Dr Andrew Yip

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