[ 會員#18308 ] kwan


病患者女 - 48歲

本人因為頸梗,膊頭及手痛看了骨科醫生, 照了X-ray 報告是Minimal anterior slipping of C2 on C3 & C3 on C4 vertebral bodies are present. Reversed lordosis is noted. The sagittal diameters of the bony cervical spinal canal are slightly & relatively narrowed, with decreased canal-vertebral body ratios. No osteolytic or sclerotic bony lesions are noted. Disc spaces are within normal. No prevertebral soft tissue swelling noted. .我已做了一個多月物理治療但情況沒有改善. 請問我的情況是否嚴重? 做物理治療可否根治? 是否需要做手術?
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