[ 會員#20306 ] CHAU CHUN SING


病患者男 - 34歲

Injury left knee.
Sensation of click.
Lateral + medial tenderness.

MRI Report


the knee alignment is normal, there is moderate joint effusion with superior plica.
no popliteal cyst is noted. increased signal seen in the infra-patellar fat pad due to synovitis. some fluid is seen between the inferior patellar tendon and anterior tibial tubercle due to deep bursitis.

there is soft tissue swelling seen medially and involves the medial collateral ligament and is compatible with a grade 1 sprain.

increased signal along the ilio-tibial tract and also between the ilio-tibial tract and lateral femoral condyle compatible with ilio-tibial band syndrome.

there is abnormal signal without thinning of the mid facet patellar articular cartilage.this is due to grade I chondromalacia.

there is no abnormal signal on T2 FS images in the femur, tibia and fibula to suggest fracture or bone oedema / bruises.

on T2* and PD images, there is no abnormal meniscal signal.

The anterior and posterior cruciate ligmaents outline normally. The fibres are well visualized especially on T2 FS images. No evidence of discontinuity. No tear is detected.

there is no abnormality detected in the lateral collateral ligaments. No soft tissue swelling or oedema is seen. No tear is detected.

the patella is normal in position. there is no dislocation. the quadriceps and the inferior patellar tendon are unnremarkable.

1. moderate joint effusion with superior plica.
2. Sprain MCL.
3. Ilio-tibial band syndrome.
4. Chondromalacia.

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