[ 會員#12426 ] unclemandy

前庭神經炎 - 頭暈

Dear Unclemandy,

Please allow me to answer your question in English.

前庭神經炎 is called vestibular neuritis in English. It is felt to be the result of a viral infection or the after effect of a viral infection in the part of the inner ear that is responsible for balance. That's why patients feel dizzy with a spinning sensation. Sometimes it is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. The acute severe dizziness usually lasts several days, and the dizziness slowly gets better over a longer period of time, when a patient may still have a sense of imbalance for a while.

There is no curative treatment, unfortunately, and 止頭暈藥 can reduce the symptoms a little. However, the dizziness is expected to go away slowly.

If your dizziness remains severe or if you develop any other symptoms, you may need to see your doctor again for another evaluation.

Dr. Edmund Cheong 蔣雄基醫生

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