


[ 兒科 ]
2666 9299
英國利物浦大學內外全科醫學士 1989
英國皇家內科醫學院院士 1995
英國倫敦大學兒科文憑 1995
英國皇家兒科醫學院院員 1996
香港兒科醫學院院士 1998
香港醫學專科學院院士(兒科) 1998


星期一 ︰ 0900-1300; 1500-1900
星期二 ︰ 0900-1300; 1500-1900
星期三 ︰ 0900-1300; 1500-1900
星期四 ︰ 0900-1300; 1500-1900
星期五 ︰ 0900-1300; 1500-1900
星期六 ︰ 0900-1300; 1500-1700
星期日 ︰ 1000-1200
聖保祿醫院; 聖德肋撒醫院
香港浸會醫院; 港安醫院; 養和醫院


  # 36967
• 診症日期 : 2023年5月18日
• 求診目的 : 傷風感冒
• 診金收費 : ~ $ 3000
• 輪候時間 : 需預約準時
• 選尋原因 : 其他網絡途徑
總評 1 / 10
專業態度 :
對症下藥 :
診金合理 :

陳德仁醫生 - 尋醫經歷詳述:

very very very bad experience ever. We went to Adventist hospital at 1.30 am as my six year old daughter had a very high fever 40.7 for long than an hour and it didn't go down even she took ibuprofen. When we arrived, Dr Chan was seeing a patient and we were the next. But we waited for 40 mins for that one patient and even when we saw him, he diagnosed my daughter for 30 mins , repeating all questions and sometimes just looked at the computer. Further, before we were able to see him, the nurse said the doctor considered to send my daughter to stay in the hospital overnight. I just saw Dr Chan walked around 2 times without coming to see us (very obvious as it was already 2am at night and we were the only patient), but then he thought of sending a 6 year old patient w/o asking a question. He is not professional at all. Moreover, My daughter was almost faded and the nurses just asked not to cover her, drank a lot of water, and made her hair wet. In summary, I didn't expected I deserve this service from Adventist and very very disappointed

個人觀感- 態度有失、醫德有損
經歷過程- 醫護之語調態度令人無所適從
推介意見- 本人絕對不會再作光顧

  # 26785
• 診症日期 : 2018年9月28日
• 求診目的 : 傷風感冒
• 診金收費 : ~ $ 3000
• 輪候時間 : 需預約等候片刻
• 選尋原因 : 初次光顧
總評 1.3 / 10
專業態度 :
對症下藥 :
診金合理 :

陳德仁醫生 - 尋醫經歷詳述:

We took our son to see Dr Norman Chan Tak Yan on Friday September 28th, 2018. We felt uncomfortable right away because their nurses were very unattentive although my son had a high fever. They didn’t even offer to take his temperature until we asked. We told them we suspect my son might have the flu. Right away, the nurses all put on masks and offered other customers and patients masks except us.

Then inside the examination room, Dr Chan asked a lot of questions about history of our son and what doctor he has been seeing rather than diagnosing the existing illness. He spent a lot of time disparaging the other doctor’s treatment and the medicines they prescribed. Then he went on to pitch his own treatment and services. We felt overwhelmed. After a series of tests, our son was diagonsed with Influenza A Virus.

We went back outside to wait for medicine, we oddly noticed that the nurses were extremely attentive to other patients who are regular customers but still very discriminatory towards us. Is it because we are a new customer? We don’t feel that’s fair medical practice especially for our child.

Our medicine is ready, there were so many (counted 14 included treatment devices). We then asked if fever medicine was provided in the sea of medicine as that’s one of the biggest symptoms of the type A Flu. They said no, added the prescription then revised the fee in an unfriendly manner.

The visit was extremely expensive because we don’t have medical coverage. The total cost was $3330 with a lab test fee of $1050 (doubling normal test fees at other labs and hospitals). We felt helpless because the fee was so ridiculously expensive but what can we do at that point? We felt a consultation fee + medicine of $2280 is overly excessive especially when the medicine and treatment devices were over prescribed. Is this fair doctor practice? Furthermore, on he falsely advertised his consultation fee to be $150 + medicine. We find this hard to believe.

That night, my son’s high fever persisted even after taking Tamiflu so we were worried. We called the doctor and his wife (seems to be the head nurse) picked up the phone and gave us some advice in a not so friendly manner once again. We asked her to tell Doctor Chan to call back as she isn’t a doctor. He did after awhile. When we asked him questions about the fever he asked if we have high fever medicine (Voltaren) which we didn’t at the time. He then accused us by saying we told him we have some at home. We weren’t home so we had to go out to a pharmacy to buy more medicine (now up to 15). We wondered how could he give 14 medicinal items and didn’t considered giving us Voltaren if high fever is one of the biggest symptoms of Type A flu? Even if we have some at home, this is much more important. We were so disappointed.

Finally, we feel this clinic is very unprofessional and overly expensive. The amount of medicine provided toward young children is excessive. The attitude of the entire clinic is very poor and unpleasant. We would never go back or recommend anyone to this doctor.
個人觀感- 態度有失、醫德有損
經歷過程- 醫護之語調態度令人無所適從
推介意見- 本人絕對不會再作光顧

  # 245
• 診症日期 :
• 求診目的 :
• 診金收費 : ~ $
• 輪候時間 :
• 選尋原因 :
總評 1 / 10
專業態度 :
對症下藥 :
診金合理 :

陳德仁醫生 - 尋醫經歷詳述:

What a WORST doctor than I had never seen!!!!! He is such a POOR doctor!!!! Please blacklist him..!!

My daughter bad experience, She only 11 months!!!!
星期日(29 Nov 09)開始流鼻水, 帶Hosanna去看兒科醫生, 服藥後未能收鼻水, 整晚不能睡, 醒了十多次
星期一(30 Nov 09)繼續服藥,整晚不能睡, 醒了十多次
星期二(1 Dec 09)上午去看陳德仁醫生,醫生話如有保險, 就最好入院檢查.一入醫院,二話不說, 護士要我女兒Hosanna Lee照 X-ray for lungs, throat. 抽血(10cc), 種豆, 驗血, 驗尿,驗食物敏感, 我不願女兒種豆, 只讓她們抽血, 照X-Ray, 等到晚上9時多才見到醫生, 要打針,這樣那樣, 結結全部做齊......
第二日, 驗尿後發現她缺水, 尿有蛋白, 60粒, 第二次驗尿話有120粒, 仲有大腸幹菌導致尿道炎, 從3Dec09要吊鹽水...
3日後血報告話有葡萄球菌入血, 醫生話要打7日抗生素, 到現在仲未打完, 仲要每日聞氣2次
4 Dec 09 要拆掉手上的豆再在另一隻手再種多次豆. 種豆時又抽血, 話再試種看看有沒有菌, 到現在還未有血報告, 醫生話要7日才完成種菌. 又要等?
7 Dec 09 早上話要照超聲波看看腎有否含嚨或發炎,晚上看報告話沒有事. (HK1,7xx.00)
入院第一天醫生開了8隻藥水給她吃, 每次要吃共15ml的藥水. 嘩!!! 仲要鹽水滴鼻和藥水滴鼻,之後仲要聞氣每日三次.
到現在有些藥從吊水中落藥, 每日有二次, 並且都仲要 每日三次, 每次吃6-7ml藥水, 用面罩吸的帶藥的氣(10-15杪)早晚各一次, 另外, 有煙從養氣罩霧出的帶藥的氣(10分鐘)一天3次
每天樂費近千元!! 奇怪??
服了這麽多藥, 仲有明顯的啖聲, 聲音沙啞, 入院後第二晚已經可以連續睡眠5小時, 第二晚起, 可睡7 小時, 但仍要留院.

When we asked question with him, he just gave the "standard answer" and not willing to explain in details... Just keep changing / adding the medicine to my daughter!!!

Frankly, we visited this doctor the second time and we are losing trust from him. Therefore, we request to discharged from hospital on 8 Dec and bring her to see other doctor..

What the most angry thing is..... Most of the medicines that 陳德仁 gave is NOT NECCESSARY!!!! He is not "對症下藥"... We are so regret that we bring our daughter to this doctor and made her to stay in hospital for 7 days!!!

I really think this doctor is NOT trustable!!! This is a shame that the doctor only looking for $$$$$ without sincere heart... My daughter is only 11 months!!! How come he need her to do such a lot of treatments and medicine. Please blacklist him!!!!!!

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