The Hong Kong Society of Digestive Endoscopy
Tel :
The objectives for which the Society is established are:
1. To promote the advancement of gastroenterology
2. To co-ordinate and correlate the efforts of organizations, companies, associations, societies, institutions, statutory bodies and other authorities and individuals interested in the causes, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of gastroenterological diseases with a view to reducing morbidity an dmortality in Hong Kong.
3. To promote, foster, develop and assist medical and allied profession in the study of and the acquisition,dissemination and application of knowledge and information concerning the causes, diagnosis prevention and treatment of gastroenterological diseases.
4. To assist in keeping the medical profession in Hong Kong up to date in the latest developments in the field of medical and scientific research and methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of gastroenterological diseases.
5. To stimulate public interest and provide public education in the prevention and treatment of gastroenterological diseases and related problems.
1. To promote the advancement of gastroenterology
2. To co-ordinate and correlate the efforts of organizations, companies, associations, societies, institutions, statutory bodies and other authorities and individuals interested in the causes, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of gastroenterological diseases with a view to reducing morbidity an dmortality in Hong Kong.
3. To promote, foster, develop and assist medical and allied profession in the study of and the acquisition,dissemination and application of knowledge and information concerning the causes, diagnosis prevention and treatment of gastroenterological diseases.
4. To assist in keeping the medical profession in Hong Kong up to date in the latest developments in the field of medical and scientific research and methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of gastroenterological diseases.
5. To stimulate public interest and provide public education in the prevention and treatment of gastroenterological diseases and related problems.
Tel: 28901333
香港泌尿婦科協會 Hong Kong Urogynaecology Association
香港創域會有限公司 The Hong Kong Pioneers Mutual Support Association
Tel: 36560799
香港骨科醫學會 The Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association
Tel: 25956493
腎友聯 Alliance for Renal Patient's Mutual Help Associati
Tel: 8100-0821
香港胸肺學會 Hong Kong Thoracic Society Limited
香港兒童腦神經科學會 Paediatric Neurology Association of Hong Kong
Tel: 2990 1111
香港睡眠醫學會 The Hong Kong Society of Sleep Medicine
Tel: 22555906
健樂社 Kin Lok Club
Tel: 36673228
肺積塵互助會 Pneumoconiosis Mutual Aid Association
Tel: 23861666