The Hong Kong Society of Rheumatology
Tel : 2396 6468
Missions of the Hong Kong Society of Rheumatology
1. To promote the interest in and a better understanding of Rheumatology in Hong Kong among health care workers and the public
2. To promote the advancement of Rheumatology in Hong Kong through research and education of the medical profession
3. To improve the standard of care of patients with rheumatic diseases in Hong Kong
4. To liaise and cooperate with organisations, associations, societies, medical schools and other individuals and authorities in Hong Kong and overseas having objects in whole or in part similar to those of the Society
1. To promote the interest in and a better understanding of Rheumatology in Hong Kong among health care workers and the public
2. To promote the advancement of Rheumatology in Hong Kong through research and education of the medical profession
3. To improve the standard of care of patients with rheumatic diseases in Hong Kong
4. To liaise and cooperate with organisations, associations, societies, medical schools and other individuals and authorities in Hong Kong and overseas having objects in whole or in part similar to those of the Society
活得妙成年關注協會 ADDult Value Association
Tel: 96854563
香港臨床腫瘤科學會 Hong Kong Society of Clinical Oncology
Tel: 23398513
香港大學學生會牙醫學會 Dental Society, HKUSU
Tel: 2859 2111
香港外科醫學院 College of Surgeons of Hong Kong
Tel: 28718799
香港兒童內分泌科學會 The Hong Kong Society of Paediatric Endocrinology
丘中傑糖尿病檢測中心病人小組 YCK Patient Support Group
Tel: 26478806
香港急症醫學會 Hong Kong Society for Emergency Medicine and Surge
Tel: 28718877
美國胸肺學院港澳分會 American College of Chest Physicians, Hong Kong an
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Tel: 25592006
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Tel: 81061088