[ 會員#25776 ] Sam
Is fluoxetine less effective than other SSRIs in treating social anxiety?
病患者男 - 24歲
Is fluoxetine less effective than other SSRIs in treating social anxiety?
Is fluoxetine less effective than other SSRIs in treating social anxiety?
Thanks for your question. Currently, the only FDA-approved medications for social anxiety disorder are sertraline (Zoloft), paroxetine (Seroxat), and venlafaxine (Efexor).
Other SSRI are sometimes being used off-label. There's no head to head comparison between different SSRI so far.
Combining psychotherapy with medication is mostly recommended by different reviews for the best outcome for social anxiety disorder.
Hope the above information helps and hope you recover soon.
Other SSRI are sometimes being used off-label. There's no head to head comparison between different SSRI so far.
Combining psychotherapy with medication is mostly recommended by different reviews for the best outcome for social anxiety disorder.
Hope the above information helps and hope you recover soon.
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