The Hong Kong Association of Oral and Maxillofacia
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1. To study, advance and promote Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Hong Kong.
2. To publish and disseminate information pertaining to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery as may be thought desirable to members and to the public.
3. To hold regular meetings of the members of the Association.
4. To encourage the improvement of professional standards by the continued education of all members.
5. To encourage desirable standards of training and opportunities for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons in Hong Kong.
6. To affiliate with suitably recognized national and international Societies, Associations and other agencies.
7. To promote and encourage unity and friendly relationship among the members of the Association.
8. To protect the reputation and goodwill of the members of the Association.
9. To assist the Government in all matters concerning the interests of members of the Association.
10. To communicate, co-operate and negotiate with mercantile or public bodies throughout the world and concert and promote measures for the advancement of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 
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