The College of Dental Surgeons of Hong Kong
Tel : 28718866
The College of Dental Surgeons of Hong Kong was incorporated in February 1993 whose main objectives are:
- to promote for the public benefit the advancement of knowledge in the field of Dental surgery and its associated subjects (Dental Surgery)
- to act as an authoritative body for the purpose of consultation on matters of educational or public interest concerning Dental Surgery
- to promote training and research in Dental Surgery
- to promote for the public benefit the advancement of knowledge in the field of Dental surgery and its associated subjects (Dental Surgery)
- to act as an authoritative body for the purpose of consultation on matters of educational or public interest concerning Dental Surgery
- to promote training and research in Dental Surgery
香港視覺矯正師協會 The Hong Kong Orthoptists Association
Tel: 27623251
香港骨科醫學會 The Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association
Tel: 25956493
香港泌尿外科學會 Hong Kong Urological Association
肺積塵互助會 Pneumoconiosis Mutual Aid Association
Tel: 23861666
腎康會 Kidney Rehabilitation Society
Tel: 26323012
美國胸肺學院港澳分會 American College of Chest Physicians, Hong Kong an
香港眼科醫學院 College of Ophthalmologists Hong Kong
Tel: 27619128
香港腸胃動力學會 The Hong Kong Society of Gastrointestinal Motility
香港強脊會 Hongkong Ankylosing Spondylitis Association
Tel: 27944803
香港理遺學會有限公司 The Hong Kong Continence Society Limited