Asian Surgical Association
Asian Surgical Association
Tel : 2255 4231
The idea of forming the Association of Surgeons of South East Asia first occurred to the late Professor Tan Sri GB Ong of the University of Hong Kong in 1967. By 1973, he thought the time was ripe to contact leading surgeons in various South East Asian countries. A preliminary meeting of the surgeons of South East Asia was therefore held on 21 August 1975 in Singapore and was attended by 30 surgeons from six countries to discuss the objectives and organization of the Association.
The objectives of the Association were to establish professional ties between the surgeons of South East Asia and to provide a forum for the dissemination of surgical knowledge throughout the region.
The Inaugural Meeting of the Association of Surgeons of South East Asia was held on 23 May 1976 in Singapore. At this meeting, the late Professor Ong was elected President of the Association, and a governing Council with members from six countries was formed. The draft constitution was discussed and its final structure agreed.
With increasing membership from countries beyond South East Asia and to better reflect and serve the surgical community of Asia, the name of the Association of Surgeons of South East Asia was changed to Asian Surgical Association in February 1988. 
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